Elementary School Requirements
1. The following are the Elementary School Education Core Subject Requirements:
(a) English Language Arts;
(b) Mathematics;
(c) Science;
(d) Social Studies;
(e) Arts:
Visual Arts;
Dance; or
(f) Health Education;
(g) Physical Education;
(h) Educational Technology, including keyboarding;
(i) Library Media skills, integrated into the core subject areas and
(j) Civics and character education, integrated into the core subject areas.
2. An LEA board shall provide access to the General Core to all students within the LEA.
3. An LEA board is responsible for student mastery of the Core Standards.
4. An LEA shall implement formative assessment practices on a regular basis to ensure continual student progress.
5. An LEA shall assess students for proficiency in keyboarding by grade 5 and report school-level results to the Superintendent.
6. An LEA shall use Board-approved summative adaptive assessments to assess student mastery of the following:
(a) language arts;
(b) mathematics;
(c) science; and
(d) effectiveness of written expression in grade 5.
7. An LEA shall provide intervention to elementary students who do not achieve mastery of the subjects above.
Middle School Requirements
1. The following are the Grades 7-8 General Core Requirements:
(a) Grade 7 Language Arts;
(b) Grade 8 Language Arts;
(c) Grade 7 Mathematics;
(d) Grade 8 Mathematics;
(e) Grade 7 Integrated Science;
(f) Grade 8 Integrated Science;
(g) United States History;
(h) Utah History; and
(i) at least one course in each of the following in grades 7 or 8:
(A) Health Education;
(B) College and Career Awareness;
(C) Digital Literacy;
(D) the Arts; and
(E) Physical Education.
2. An LEA shall use Board-approved summative adaptive assessments to assess student mastery of the following:
(a) language arts;
(b) mathematics;
(c) science; and
(d) writing in grade 8.
3. At the discretion of the LEA board, an LEA board may:
(a) offer additional elective courses;
(b) require a student to complete additional courses; or
(c) set minimum credit requirements.
4. Upon parental or student request, an LEA may, with parental consent, substitute a course requirement with a course, extracurricular activity, or experience that is:
(a) similar to the course requirement; or
(b) consistent with the student's plan for college and career readiness.
5. An LEA shall establish:
(a) a policy governing the substitution of a course requirement;
(b) an LEA's policy shall include a process for a parent to appeal an LEA's denial of a request for a substitution to the LEA board or the LEA board designee.
High School Requirements
Midde School Keeping HS Credit FAQ Fall 2024
Current Core Courses Meeting the Criteria for Graduation Requirements
Guidance for the Verbal Communication Credit
- A student in grades 9-12 is required to earn a minimum of 24 units of credit through course completion or through competency assessment consistent with R277-705 to graduate.
- The Utah State Board of Education requires a minimum of 24 units of credit achieved through course completion or through competency assessment.
- General High School Core credit requirements include:
4.0 credits of Language Arts
ELA 9, ELA 10, ELA 11, and Grade 12 (choose from options approved by the Board)
3.0 credits of Mathematics
Secondary I, II, and III
A student may opt out of Secondary III if a written request from the parent is received from the school; the student must still earn 3.0 credits of math.
Exception: a student who completes Calculus with a “C” grade or higher has completed the mathematics graduation requirements regardless of the number of credits earned
3.0 credits of Science
2.0 credits must be met through successful completion of two of the five science foundation areas:
Earth Science,
Biological Science,
Physics, or
Computer Science.
1.0 credit must be from the foundational, applied, or advanced science Board approved list
3.0 credits of Social Studies
2.5 credits must be met through successful completion of the following courses:
0.5 credit World Geography 0.5 credit World History 1.0 credit U.S. History 0.5 credit U.S. Government and Citizenship 0.5 credits are at the discretion of the Local Education Agency (LEA)
1.5 credits of The Arts
Credits may be earned in visual arts, music, dance, theater and/or media arts for this requirement.
0.5 credits of Health Education
1.5 credits of Physical Education
0.5 credit Participation Skills 0.5 credit Fitness for Life 0.5 Individualized Lifetime Activities
Exception: a student may earn 0.5 credit per sport team sport/athletic participation up to 1.0 credit with LEA approval to replace participation skills and individualized lifetime activities.
1.0 credit of Career and Technical Education
Credits may be earned in:
1) Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources,
2) Architecture and Construction,
3) Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications,
4) Business, Finance and Marketing,
5) Computer Science and Information Technology,
6) Education and Training,
7) Engineering and Technology,
8) Health Science,
9) Hospitality and Tourism,
10) Human Services,
11) Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security,
12) Manufacturing and/or
13) Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics.
0.5 credit of Digital Studies
Library Media Skills, integrated into the subject areas.
0.5 credit of General Financial Literacy
5.5 credits of Electives
Pass the Basic Civics Test or Alternate Assessment as described in 53E-4-205 and R277-700-8
Credits may only be earned while the student is enrolled in grades 9-12
Exception: High school credits earned prior to grade 9 through participation in the Statewide Online Education Program (SOEP)
D. An LEA shall use Board-approved summative assessments to assess student mastery of the following subjects:
(a) language arts;
(b) mathematics; and
(c) science.
E. An LEA board may require a student to earn credits for graduation that exceed the minimum Board requirements described in this rule.
F. An LEA board may establish and offer additional elective course offerings at the discretion of the LEA board.
G. An LEA may modify a student's graduation requirements to meet the unique educational needs of a student if:
a. the student has a disability; and
b. the modifications to the student's graduation requirements are made through the student's individual IEP.
An LEA shall document the nature and extent of a modification, substitution, or exemption made to a student's graduation requirements in the student's IEP.
H. The Superintendent shall provide a list of approved courses meeting the requirements of this rule.
I. An LEA may modify graduation requirements for an individual student to achieve an appropriate route to student success if the modification:
a. Is consistent with
i. the student's IEP; or
ii. SEOP/Plan for College and Career Readiness;
b. is maintained in the student's file;
c. includes the parent's signature; and
d. maintains the integrity and rigor expected for high school graduation, as determined by the Board.
J. Courses required for graduation can be retaken in accordance with the Utah Office of Administrative Rule R277-117 High School Course Grading Requirements: https://schools.utah.gov
I. Courses required for graduation can be retaken in accordance with the Utah Office of Administrative Rule R277-717: High School Course Grading Requirements.
Demonstrated Competency
Competency Measures Project
The Competency Measures Project was created in response to the Utah Office of Administrative Rule R277-705-3: Required Local Education Agency (LEA) Policy Explaining Student Credit, which requires districts to have policies and procedures to award credit based upon demonstrated competency. Districts in collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education curriculum section are currently developing competency measures to deploy in a consistent manner statewide to meet the credit awarding requirements of state law and Board rule.
Board Goal:
- Promote competency and the achievement of high learning standards for each child while partnering with families, educators, and communities in various ways.
Anticipated Results:
- The Curriculum and Instruction Committee will be provided with an update on the Competency Measures Project and the development of policies and procedures that are currently under way in connection with this project. Discussion will ensure related to the procedures to establish and implement a competency based assessment process for students to obtain high school credit.
- Credit earned through Demonstrated Competency Assessments will be accepted by all public and charter schools as required by State Law but may not be accepted by some private schools. Students enrolled at private schools should speak with a school administrator before taking a Demonstrated Competency Assessment.
- The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not recognize courses completed through credit-by-exam; Demonstrated Competency Assessments cannot be used to meet NCAA eligibility.
To obtain a Utah High School Diploma a student must successfully complete 24 academic year credits. Districts may add additional credit requirements.
A student may be awarded a certificate of completion or a differentiated diploma, consistent with state and federal law and the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan.
R277-700: The Elementary and Secondary School General Core | R277-705: Secondary School Completion and Diplomas
Utah Office of Administrative Rules
R277-700: The Elementary and Secondary School General Core
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
R277-705: Secondary School Completion and Diplomas
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
R277-717: High School Course Grading Requirements
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
R277-717: High School Course Grading Requirements Frequently Asked Questions
Technology Supported Learning (TSL) Team