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Professional Learning Resources
Professional Learning Standards
The Professional Learning Standards for Utah are required to be woven into all Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Credit Professional Learning. This is described in the Utah State Legislature Title 53G-11-303: Professional Learning Standards.
The Educator Development Team has created a Professional Learning Standards planning template to ensure that your learning design has sufficient alignment to these standards. This form can also be used to provide the needed information in our MIDAS system when submitting a course for USBE credit.
Professional Learning Standards Planning Template
Google Doc
In order to provide supports for the implementation of these research-based effective professional learning standards, USBE has created the Utah Professional Learning Standards Toolkit. Please take a look at this toolkit to ensure that professional learning is designed around these important standards.
Each Standard Explained
You can find the standards and more information on our Professional Learning Standards Explained webpage.
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Professional Learning Opportunities
Utah’s High Leverage Practices Online Asynchronous Course
High-Leverage Practices: An Introduction
The High Leverage Practices Asynchronous course is now open for registration. This is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that can provide opportunity for any educator in Utah to build an understanding of these evidence-based classroom practices. Those who complete the course will earn 2 USBE credits.
We also have aligned Microcredentials for each of the 5 High-Leverage Practices explored in the course. These are additional opportunities to show application of the learning done. Educators should enroll in MIDAS to register and then they will be added to the Canvas Course within 3 business days. Once in the Canvas course, educators may move at their own pace to complete their learning.
Course Number 58153
Additional Course Offerings
Utah Education Network (UEN) Catalog
- This catalog includes a variety of synchronous, asynchronous, and blended courses and workshops that support building best practices with technology in teaching and learning. This catalog includes courses for credit that are available to any Utah educator.
Utah Microcredentials
What is a microcredential?
A microcredential is a digital form of certification indicating demonstrated competency/mastery in a specific skill or set of skills. Three key assumptions of a microcredential include 1) educator knowledge is assumed in demonstrating competency of a skill, 2) knowledge is insufficient to change student outcomes but that comes through applying knowledge in practice, and 3) microcredentials provide evidence to demonstrate an educator’s already acquired knowledge and skills.
For a quick overview, please review What is Microcredential?
What are the benefits of earning a microcredential?
- It is a great way for educators to engage in self-directed professional learning and earn UBSE credit.
- Microcredentials are designed around competency demonstration of specific topics and standards and provide the flexibility to demonstrate these skills through job-embedded experiences.
To learn more, please visit Utah Microcredentials on the UEN website.
Massively Integrated Data Analytics System (MIDAS)
Credits for professional learning are documented in our MIDAS system. Find courses, review past credits, and engage with opportunties to show competency through Microcredentials by viewing the catalog here.