The National School Breakfast Program (NSBP) is a federally assisted meal program that provides funds to states to operate non-profit breakfast programs in public or non-profit private schools, and Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI). It provides payment for nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free breakfasts to children each school day.
Program sponsors may choose from several meal service types to meet the needs of their students. These include but are not limited to:
- traditional breakfast offered in the cafeteria
- breakfast on the bus
- breakfast in the classroom
- breakfast after first period
- or grab and go breakfast
Reimbursement is based on meals served to children at the established free, reduced, and paid rate depending on the eligibility of the student served.
School Breakfast Program (SBP)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
Qualifying and Applying
Schools wishing to operate the National School Breakfast Program (NSBP) must be a public or private non-profit elementary or secondary school, Residential Child Care Institution (RCCI), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) school, or an educational service agency and become approved as an NSBP sponsor or participate under an existing program sponsor.
To become a sponsor of the NSBP, an Application of Intent to Participate must be submitted to the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP) office by February 15 prior to the school year you are working to implement the NSBP at your school. The Application of Intent allows you to participate in the training and approval process to become a program sponsor. All training and approval requirements must be completed between February 15 and September 30 to operate the program as a sponsor.
Schools already providing the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or the NSBP do not need to submit an Application of Intent for the following school year as they are already an approved program sponsor or are operating under an approved sponsor. If a current NSLP sponsor wishes to add the breakfast program at their school, please contact the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP).
Schools may apply for the following status:
- School Meals: Provisions 1, 2, and 3 Special Assistance Alternatives
Reduces paperwork for the sponsor and households once approved by the state agency. - School Meals: Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Provision status reduces the normal requirements for annual determinations of eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals and daily meal counts by type (free, reduced price and paid meals) at the point of service. The deadline to complete the CEP application process is June 30.
Please contact the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program for assistance understanding qualification requirements or if you need assistance with the application process.
Please contact the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP) for all training requests.
None at this time.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Food and Nutrition Service:
Reimbursement Rates
Reimbursements are based on meals served to children at the established free, reduced, and paid rate depending on meal type and eligibility of the students served.
Reimbursement Rates
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Severe Need Breakfast Reimbursement:
- Eligibility is limited to those schools in which 40% or more of the lunches were served free or at a reduced price during the second preceding school year and for which the regular breakfast reimbursement is insufficient to cover the costs of the Breakfast Program.
Reimbursement Claims
Claims are due to the Utah State Board of Education no later than the 4th working day of every month.
In coordination with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) our office distributes policy memorandums to provide guidance and clarify program requirements and regulations.
Memorandum: New Bulletin Distribution Explanation
A quick tutorial on how our office structures and distributes policy.
Highlighted USDA/FNS Policy Bulletins/Memorandums
The following policy bulletins/memorandums provide urgent or highly requested content:
For all other related policy information, please refer to the Utah State Board of Education National School Lunch Program (NSLP).