Joseph Kerry

Joseph KerryJoseph Kerry

1st term, elected in 2022


Joe Kerry's passion for education came from two amazing women in his life: his mother and his third-grade teacher, Mrs. Thomas. Kerry's mother was a young girl when her family was forced to flee their home in North Korea. To his mom, education was viewed as a doorway that would open a lifetime of growth, personal responsibility, and learning. Mrs. Thomas took the time to help Kerry grow. Over that school year, she inspired him to learn, read more, and sit still.

Classrooms today are filled with teachers like Mrs. Thomas. They care, they're dedicated, and they're passionate. Communities are filled with families who love their children and want the best for them. When we work together, with respect and understanding, we create an environment where students excel and are firmly placed on the pathway to a lifetime of growth, responsibility, and service.

Utah State Board of Education Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement



Joseph Kerry

Phone: (801) 876-5297 |